Our Virtual Production Studio features a state-of-the-art LED volume that represents a significant advancement in virtual production technology.

The LED volume is designed to provide an extensive and versatile backdrop, capable of displaying high-resolution imagery with unparalleled clarity and colour accuracy. This technology enables filmmakers to capture realistic lighting and reflections, resulting in a more cohesive blend between the physical and virtual elements of a scene.

With adjustable brightness and colour temperature, the LED volume can replicate a variety of natural and artificial lighting conditions, providing filmmakers with the flexibility to create the desired atmosphere. Its large scale ensures that productions can utilise sweeping landscapes or intricate set designs without the constraints of traditional green screen limitations.

Moreover, the LED volume is fully compatible with real-time rendering engines, enabling instant feedback and adjustments during shoots. This interactivity not only streamlines the filming process but also stimulates the creative collaboration between directors, cinematographers, and VFX artists.

The LED Volume

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Virtual Production LED Screen

The Absen PL2.5 Pro 1/8 scan virtual production LED tile offers superior contrast and high precision alignment. UltraBlack Technology - Small-sized non-reflection LEDs, combined with matte and super black mask, the PL2.5 Pro has a superior contrast. Integrated auto-lock and auto-eject systems allow super fast and easy installations at the push of a button.

This version of the PL2.5 is the 1/8 Scan which is superior for virtual production and on-camera applications.

Volume Information

Main LED Volume: 17m x 4m (Expandable)

LED Ceiling 5m x 3m

Pixel Pitch 2.5mm

Scan rate 1/8

HDR - Yes

Brompton Processing